Cool hidden google tips you never seen


 Cool hidden google tips you never seen

hello everyone,
today we'll be going to show you "hidden google tips you never seen"
let's get start.

Track Location
now we you how to track your location by ip adress.first of all you need to go to google search engine,and 
serch "what is my ip" and waiting for a result.

now you can see you ip adress and copy it.then google search 
"ip locator".then goto ""
then put your ip adress to search bar.

after putting your ip adress,you will find geolocation data(your country,province)
then copy latitude and londgitude,then paste it to google map search bar.

getting windows experince by google
search windows 93 on goolgle,and then go to
you can get windows experince using tab,smart phone or computer.

download any movie by searching on google 
it's very simple prcess,you have to seach this on google
"movie name" movie download google drive.
now you can see links to google drive,choose one
then you can play it or download easily.

if you have any mathematical problem,you can search it on google and get result.

Thank You!
